All Pro Dogs' boarding services are curated to the needs of our furry friends. We have wire-free suites and anti-fatigue mats that mean every pup is having an experience that's safe and happy. Additionally, our daycare and groom services reflect the attention we pay to each individual.
French doors are a problem for many companies, but not us. Our process works for any kind of door! Here's how it goes: We remove the glass and its framing to make way for the pet door, then we place the dog door pane in its place and tie everything together. It's simple, but it allows us to be endlessly versatile.
We can include add-ons such as grids and mini-blinds depending on the situation. We also do what we call a '"cut down," which is where we extend the glass to the bottom of the frame to assist any breed with little legs. We have made our pet doors as accessible as possible so that every dog and owner can participate in the peach-of-mind that we offer.